Main results of neutronical study about ADS with ion beams and implications on experiments planning


Научно-методический семинар ЛФВЭ №1

Дата и время: четверг, 8 апреля 2021 г., в 11:00

Место: онлайн в Webex, Лаборатория физики высоких энергий им. В.И. Векслера и А.М. Балдина

Тема семинара: «Main results of neutronical study about ADS with ion beams and implications on experiments planning»

Авторы: М. М. Параипан1,2, И. А. Крячко1, В. М. Джавадова1, Е. А. Левтерова1, С. И. Тютюнников1

1 — Объединенный институт ядерных исследований, Дубна, Россия
2 — Институт космических исследований, Мэгуреле, Румыния

Докладчик: Параипан Михаела Мария


The conditions which maximize the efficiency of accelerator driven systems (ADS) were analyzed through simulation with the toolkit Geant4. The influence of particle beam, accelerator type, target geometry and composition are studied, searching for the conditions which ensure high energy gain, safe exploitation and deeper burning of the actinides, with longer periods between refuelling. A core with criticality coefficient keff of 0.985-0.988, lower enrichment, converter of beryllium with radius 10-20 cm and length 110-120 cm represents a proper choice. The advantage of ion beams from 7Li and 20Ne with energies from 0.25 AGeV to 0.75 AGeV is underlined.
A proposal for the design of a target dedicated to the experimental study is presented. The target consists of rods from enriched U (5-10 % 235U) distributed in 6-8 layers inside a cylinder from Pb or graphite, with a length of 150 cm and a radius of 70 cm. The central part of cylinder is empty, allowing the placement of different converters.