Optimisation of laser energy absorption in near-critical density plasmas


Лаборатория информационных технологий им. М. Г. Мещерякова

Семинар научного отдела вычислительной физики

Дата и время: вторник, 25 января 2022 г., в 15:00

Место: комната 310, Лаборатория информационных технологий им. М. Г. Мещерякова; онлайн-семинар в Webex

Тема семинара: «Optimisation of laser energy absorption in near-critical density plasmas»

Авторы: Юлиана-Мариана Владисавлевичи(1,2,3), Эммануэль д’Юмьер(2), Даниэль Визман(1)

(1) — Физический факультет, Западный университет Тимишоары, Румыния
(2) — Университет Бордо – CNRS – CEA, CELIA, Франция
(3) — ЛИТ им. М.Г. Мещерякова, ОИЯИ, Дубна

Докладчик: Юлиана-Мариана Владисавлевичи


Our main goal is to describe and model the energy transfer from an ultra-high intensity laser pulse (I ≥ 1018W/cm2) to a plasma characterized by different transparency regimes of laser-plasma interaction and, using the obtained results, to optimize the ion acceleration.

We proposed a theoretical model of energy transfer, assuming that most of the laser energy will be transferred to hot electrons. The model was further tested and corrected through 2D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations performed with SMILEI (Simulating Matter Irradiated by Light at Extreme Intensities) code on the Curta Cluster from University of Bordeaux and the HybryLIT cluster from JINR.

Varying the target density and thickness, optimal parameters for the maximum conversion efficiency of the laser energy to particles have been obtained for near-critical density plasma driven by a laser pulse of various intensities and pulse durations.

The optimization of the target areal density for maximizing proton acceleration was obtained for laser intensity of 1022W/cm2