Оптимальные границы скорости эволюции подпространства Шредингера


Лаборатория теоретической физики им. Н. Н. Боголюбова

Семинар «Теория ядра»

Дата и время: понедельник, 28 ноября 2022 г., в 15:30

Место: аудитория им. Блохинцева, Лаборатория теоретической физики им. Н. Н. Боголюбова, онлайн-семинар в Zoom

Тема семинара: «Оптимальные границы скорости эволюции подпространства Шредингера»

Докладчик: А. К. Мотилов


By a quantum speed limit one usually calls a lower bound on the time that is needed for a quantum system to evolve from a given state to a target state.The most known quantum speed limit is given in the form of the celebrated Mandelstam-Tamm inequality that bounds the minimal passage time of a state in terms of its energy dispersion. In contrast to the classic Mandelstam-Tamm inequality, we are concerned not with a single state but with a (possibly infnitedimensional) subspace which is subject to the Schrödinger evolution. By using the concept of maximal angle between subspaces we establish optimal bounds on the speed of such a subspace evolution. Our present study includes the case of unbounded Hamiltonians.

This presentation is based on joint works with S.Albeverio.