Chemical composition of the near surface layers of implanted GaAs


Лаборатория нейтронной физики им. И.М. Франка

Отделение ядерной физики

руководитель — Е.В. Лычагин

Дата и время: среда, 14 марта 2018 г., в 11:00

Место: Конференц-зал (3-й этаж), Лаборатория нейтронной физики им. И.М.Франка

Тема семинара: «Chemical composition of the near surface layers of implanted GaAs»

Докладчик: Dorota Kołodyńska (Университет им. М. Кюри-Склодовской, доцент, имеет 20-летний исследовательский опыт в области неорганической химии и защиты окружающей среды)


The chemical composition and optical properties of the near surface layers of implanted GaAs are discussed. The GaAs samples were implanted with In+, Ne+ or Kr+ ions using UNIMAS system and then thermally annealed. There were used the following investigation methods: the Rutherford backscattering spectrometry analyses (RBS) and nuclear reaction (NR) using EG5, spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) using XPS UHV system to characterize the chemical composition of the near surface layers and optical properties of the GaAs. Due to displacement of Ga ions from GaAs by the In+ ions the new chemical compound InAs was formed. Additionally, the ellipsometric measurements show that SE method is very sensitive, rapid and non-destructive and first of all very useful for describing the evaluation process related to the damaged forms of the implanted GaAs.