Testing pixel detectors with X-Rays. Measurements of the mini-MALTA prototype


Научно-методический семинар ЛФВЭ #11

Дата и время: четверг, 12 сентября 2019 г., в 11:00

Место: корпус 215, к. 347, Лаборатория физики высоких энергий им. В.И. Векслера и А.М. Балдина

Тема семинара: «Testing pixel detectors with X-Rays. Measurements of the mini-MALTA prototype»

Докладчик: Калоян Методиев (Оксфордский университет, Великобритания)


This presentation outlines the results of investigations into the effects of radiation damage in the miniMALTA depleted monolithic pixel sensor prototype. MiniMALTA is a prototype test chip developed for the ATLAS ITk project, and contains a number of different pixel designs. These are the standard MALTA baseline layout, and two variant designs, one with an increased depth of the p-well, and one with a gap in the n-type layer. Measurements were carried out at Diamond Light Source using a micro-focus X-ray beam, which scanned across the surface of the device in 2 micrometers steps. This allowed the in-pixel photon response to be measured directly with high statistics. Six chips were tested: one that had suffered no radiation damage, one with 1e15 n/cm2 neutron damage, and three chips that had suffered proton damage from 27 MeV protons at the Birmingham cyclotron at 7e13 and 5e14 n/cm2. The effects of different damage levels on the three different pixel designs are discussed.