Relativistic fluid dynamics and its extensions as an effective field theory


Cеминар «Теория адронного вещества при экстремальных условиях»

Дата и время: четверг, 16 января 2020 г., в 11:30

Место: Конференц-зал им. Блохинцева (4-й этаж), Лаборатория теоретической физики им. Н.Н. Боголюбова

Тема семинара: «Relativistic fluid dynamics and its extensions as an effective field theory»

Докладчик: Джорджо Торьери (Институт физики «Глеб Ватагин» Университета г. Кампинас, штат Сан-Пауло, Бразилия)


We examine hydrodynamics from the perspective of an effective field theory. The microscopic scale in this case is the thermalization scale, and the macroscopic scale is the gradient, with thermal fluctuations playing the role of ℏ. We argue that this method can be applied both, to consistently include thermal fluctuations in the theory, and to extend hydrodynamics to systems whose microscopic structure is non-trivial. For the latter, we discuss the case of spin polarization and gauge theories.