Photon strength function measurements at iThemba LABS


Лаборатория ядерных реакций

Дата и время: вторник, 27 июня 2023 г., в 15:30

Место: конференц-зал ЛЯР, Лаборатория ядерных реакций
им. Г. Н. Флерова

Тема семинара: «Photon strength function measurements at iThemba LABS»

Докладчик: Кгашане Лерой Малатжи (iThemba LABS)


The study of nuclear statistical properties is of importance not only in nuclear waste transmutation [1] and nuclear fuel cycles [2] but also in nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics studies [3]. These statistical properties — the nuclear level density (NLD), which describes the number of available energy levels in a nucleus for a given excitation energy, and the photon strength function (γSF), which is the electromagnetic decay probability for a nucleus to either emit or absorb a gammaray, are critical ingredients into calculations of neutron capture cross sections and astrophysical reaction rates.
In this presentation, measurements of nuclear level densities and photon strength functions performed at iThemba LABS and their applications will be discussed.

[1] N. Colonna et al., Energy Environ. Sci. 3, (2010) 1910.

[2] Report of the Nuclear Physics and Related Computational Science R&D for Advanced Fuel Cycles Workshop, DOE Offices of Nuclear Physics and Advanced Scientific Computing Research (2006).

[3] M. Arnould and S. Goriely, Phys. Rep. 384 (2003) 1–84.

This work is based on the research supported by the National Research Foundation of South Africa Grant Number 118846.