Central moments of the elliptic flow distribution and the initial states in nuclear collisions


Общелабораторный семинар ЛФВЭ

Дата и время: пятница, 7 июля 2023 г., в 11:30

Место: большой конференц-зал, Лаборатория физики высоких энергий им. В. И. Векслера и А. М. Балдина, онлайн в Zoom

Тема доклада: «Central moments of the elliptic flow distribution and the initial states in nuclear collisions»

Докладчик: Йован Милошевич


The main topic of the presentation will be about the central moments of the elliptic flow distribution at the top LHC and NICA energies. The Q-cumulant method is used to perform the study. The central moments are closely connected to the initial states in the nuclear collision. The results provide basic input to models that assume a hydrodynamic expansion of this medium. Together with this will be shown the other results on phenomena originating from the initial states in the nuclear collision like the ultracentral collisions and the factorization breaking. At the end will be, for the first time publicaly shown the results on the hydrodynamic probe at the top SPS energy obtained using the CERES/NA45 data.