Hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallelization of a leapfrog algorithm for solving systems of 2D Sine-Gordon equations


В четверг 26 мая 2016 г., в 11:00 в к.310, ЛИТ состоится семинар «Hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallelization of a leapfrog algorithm for solving systems of 2D Sine-Gordon equations».

Авторы: Иван Христов, Радослава Христова (Университет Софии и ЛИТ ОИЯИ) и Стефка Димова (Университет Софии, Болгария).

Докладчик: Иван Христов


The numerical solving of systems of 2D Sine-Gordon equations is important both for pure mathematical theory and for applications. A leapfrog algorithm is proposed for solving particular systems of 2D perturbed Sine-Gordon equations coupled via a cyclic tridiagonal matrix.

In some cases the computational domain size and the number of time steps may be very large, which motivates a parallelization of the algorithm. The algorithm is parallelized by a fully hybrid strategy: one MPI process per cluster node and OpenMP on the cores of the node. For different performance tests we use the computational resources of the HybriLIT cluster and the IICT-BAS cluster. Nice performance scalability is achieved.

As a simulation example, the standing wave solutions corresponding to the cavity resonances in BSCCO Intrinsic Josephson Junctions are shown.
