On supersymmetric localization technique in three-dimensional superconformal theories


Семинар «Современная математическая физика»

В среду, 2 ноября 2016 г. в 14:30, в Конференц-зале им. Блохинцева (4-й этаж) Лаборатории теоретической физики им. Н.Н. Боголюбова состоится семинар «On supersymmetric localization technique in three-dimensional superconformal theories».

Докладчик: Игорь Самсонов (The University of Western Australia and BLTP)


Originating from the seminal Pestun’s work in 2007, the supersymmetric localization technique became a powerful framework for obtaining exact non-perturbative results in supersymmetric models in diverse dimensions. After a brief introduction to the idea of this method, I will review its features for the case of three-dimensional superconformal theories. Then I will discuss some issues of application of this method to superfield theories on three-sphere.