Decoding the QCD phase structure with relativistic nuclear collisions


Внеочередной семинар ЛФВЭ

Дата и время: четверг, 25 января 2018 г., в 11:30
Кофе подается в 11:15

Место: Большой конференц-зал (корпус 215), Лаборатория физики высоких энергий им. В.И.Векслера и А.М.Балдина

Тема лекции: «Decoding the QCD phase structure with relativistic nuclear collisions»

Докладчик: Professor Peter Braun-Munzinger (Extreme Matter Inst., GSI, Darmstadt; Phys. Inst., Heidelberg, Germany)


We demonstrate that the phase structure of strongly interacting matter can be decoded via analysis of particle production in high energy nuclear collisions. This is achieved by making use of the observed thermalization pattern of particle abundances within the framework of the statistical hadronization approach at various collision energies. The thermalization holds not only for hadronic constituents composed of light quarks but also for hadrons containing charm quarks. The observed energy depen-dence of the production yields and fluctuations of different particle species contains characteristic features which are used to determine the temperature and baryo-chemical potential of the matter produced. The above observations imply quark-hadron duality at the QCD phase boundary and establish the first experimental delineation of the location of the phase change in strongly interacting matter. New experimental opportunities resulting from these findings are pointed out.