Isovector-isoscalar coupling and the nuclear scissors fine structure


Семинар «Ядерная физика низких энергий»

Дата и время: пятница, 18 мая 2018 г., в 14:30

Место: Конференц-зал им. Блохинцева (4-й этаж), Лаборатория теоретической физики им. Н.Н. Боголюбова

Тема семинара: «Isovector-isoscalar coupling and the nuclear scissors fine structure»

Докладчики: Е.Б. Балбуцев, И.В. Молодцова (ЛТФ ОИЯИ)


A new type of nuclear collective motion — the spin scissors mode — was predicted seven years ago. Promising signs of its existence in 232Th were found. We perform a systematic analysis of experimental data on M1 excitations in rare earth nuclei to find traces of the spin scissors mode in this area. Obvious signs of its existence will be demonstrated.

Taking into account the isovector-isoscalar coupling allows one to find one more M1 excitation, which resolves in a quite natural way the puzzle of 164Dy scissors