Recent CERN results in rare kaon decays


Семинар ЛФВЭ

Дата и время: пятница, 5 октября 2018 г., в 11:30

Место: Большой конференц-зал (корпус 215), Лаборатория физики высоких энергий им. В.И.Векслера и А.М.Балдина

Тема лекции: «Recent CERN results in rare kaon decays»

Докладчики: Франческо Брицоли (Университет Перуджи и INFN, Италия), Дмитрий Мадигожин (ОИЯИ)


The NA62 experiment main purpose is to carry out a precision test of the Standard Model; measuring the branching ratio of the ultra-rare decay K+→π+υυ. Value predicted by the theory is 0.84⋅10−10. The NA62 goal is to perform this measurement with a 10% precision, in order to test the SM and search for New Physics. The data were collected in 2016 – 2017. A new run is going on now. The results and the future perspectives are presented. The NA48/2 results contributing to ChPT (Chiral Perturbative Theory) testing are presented. A sample events of the rare decay K±→μ±υe+e has been selected. The measured decay rate is in agreement with ChPT predictions. The branching ratio of the K±→π±π0e+e decay is obtained. It is also in agreement with ChPT predictions. A most precise measurement of the charged kaon form factors have been obtained.