Аспекты кластеризации фуллеренов C60 и C70 в смеси толуол / N-метил-2-пирролидон по данным МУРН, МУРР, УФ-Вид и ДСР


Лаборатория нейтронной физики им. И.М. Франка

Научно-экспериментальный отдел нейтронных исследований конденсированных сред

Тематический семинар по надатомным структурам

руководитель — В.Л.Аксенов

Дата и время: пятница, 15 февраля 2019 г., в 15:00

Место: конференц-зал НЭО НИКС, корпус 42а, Лаборатория нейтронной физики им. И.М. Франка

Тема семинара: «Аспекты кластеризации фуллеренов C60 и C70 в смеси толуол / N-метил-2-пирролидон по данным МУРН, МУРР, УФ-Вид и ДСР»

Авторы: Т.В. Нагорная1,2, Д. Худоба1,3,4, О.А. Кизима1,2, А.В. Нагорный1,2

1Объединенный институт ядерных исследований, Дубна, Россия
2Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко, Украина
3Университет Адама Мицкевича, Познань, Польша
4Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

Докладчик: Т.В. Нагорная


After discovery of a new allotropic form of carbon – fullerenes, much attention has been paid to possibilities of their applications in various fields, including medicine, photoelectronics and optics [1-3]. Despite of a wide application of fullerene solutions, the processes of their aggregation are still not clear in both weakly polar solvents and their mixtures with polar solvents [4]. It is well-known, that the solubility of fullerenes decreases with increasing polarity of the solvent, and the arising clusterization process is critical and reversible [5]. Fullerene solutions in nitrogen-containing solvents, like pyridine or N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) are an exception to the rule.
NMP is a comparatively good solvent for fullerenes and it is also mixable with water. This solvent is suitable for transfering fullerene into aqueous media that is important for employing biological functionalized fullerenes in medical applications [6].
In the present work, the changes in the cluster state of fullerene C70 in NMP solution after toluene addition have been studied. In order to measure the wide range of particle sizes, including sub-single-molecule region and respectively large clusters, the small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering, dynamic light scattering were used. The main task was to find out the correlation between the fullerene clusterization e and a volume concentration of the second nonpolar solvent. It was observed a common dependence of the structure state of fullerene C70 on the polarity of the liquid medium; an increase in toluene content led to dissolution of existing large agglomerates. The obtained data were analyzed in comparison with the previous results on the inverse colloidal system, C70 / toluene / N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, and, UV-Vis spectroscopy measurements and similar effects in mixtures with C60.

1. L. Wang, J. Phys. Chem. Solids (2015) 84 85.
2. M. Xing, R. Wang, J. Yu, Int. J. Refrigeration (2014) 40 398.
3. S. Afreen, K. Muthoosamy, S. Manickam, U. Hashim, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2015) 63 354.
4. T.V. Tropin, M.V. Avdeev, O.A. Kyzyma, V.L. Aksenov, Phys. Status Solidi B. (2010) 247 (11-12) 3022.
5. Mchedlov-Petrossyan N.O., Kamneva N.N., Al-Shuuchi Y.T.M., Marynin A.I., Shekhovtsov S.V., Colloids Surf. A. (2016) 509 631.
6. E. Oberdorster, Environ. Health Perspect. (2004) 112 1058.