Theoretical and phenomenological aspects of generalized parton distributions


Дата и время: пятница, 31 мая 2019 г., в 11:00

Место: Конференц-зал им. Блохинцева (4-й этаж), Лаборатория теоретической физики им. Н.Н. Боголюбова

Тема семинара: «Theoretical and phenomenological aspects of generalized parton distributions»

Докладчик: Д. Мюллер (Университет в Бохуме)


Generalized parton distributions (GPDs) allow resolving the partonic content of hadrons, in particular, the nucleon, and nuclei in three dimensions. Furthermore, they can be utilized to address the decomposition of the nucleon spin in terms of fundamental quark and gluon degrees of freedom. To reach these goals, enormous efforts have been spent to measure exclusive electroproduction processes in the deeply virtual regime during the last decade. In this presentation, I review the theoretical and phenomenological status of the field and provide an outlook of developments in theory and phenomenology.