Experimental validation of the field and beam dynamics simulations for a superconducting cyclotron


Научный семинар ЛЯП по проблемам ускорителей заряженных частиц

Дата и время: четверг, 31 октября 2019 г., в 11:00

Место: Конференц-зал, корпус 108, Лаборатория ядерных проблем им. В.П.Джелепова

Тема семинара: «Experimental validation of the field and beam dynamics simulations for a superconducting cyclotron»

Авторы: В. Л. Смирнов1, С. Б. Ворожцов1, С. Вю2, Д. Альт2, Дж. Блоссер2, Дж. Хорнер2, Ж. Пакетт2, Н. Ушер2, Дж. Винсент2, З. Невилл3

1 — Объединенный институт ядерных исследований, Дубна, Россия
2 — Корпорация Inonetix, США
3 — Корпорация Disher, США

Докладчик: В. Л. Смирнов


The Ion-12SC is a subcompact, 12,5 MeV proton super-conducting isochronous cyclotron for commercial medical isotope production recently developed at Ionetix Corporation. During the initial machine operating periods, some issues appeared. In particular, imperfections in manufacturing and assembly of the magnet introduced unwanted low order magnetic harmonics that resulted in beam losses. This report presents results of analysis of the measured magnetic field and beam dynamics in the cyclotron that were initiated to solve the problem. The calculations led to a process for implementing compensating magnetic shims to improve the beam transmission.
The analysis above was performed by using 3D multi-particles tracing code. Application of the approach to some cyclotrons in comparison to the measurements is also discussed in the report.