Search for (Anti-)nuclei in Cosmic Rays at AMS-02 and Study of Gluon Spin at PHENIX


Специализированный семинар

Релятивистская ядерная физика и поляризационные явления им. А.М. Балдина № 781

Дата и время: среда, 20 ноября 2019 г., в 11:00

Место: Конференц-зал ЛФВЭ (корп. 3), Лаборатория физики высоких энергий им. В.И. Векслера и А.М. Балдина

Тема доклада: «Search for (Anti-)nuclei in Cosmic Rays at AMS-02 and Study of Gluon Spin at PHENIX»

Докладчик: Амарэш Датта (Факультет физики и астрономии, Гавайский университет в Маноа, США)


Antiparticles in the Cosmic Rays (CR) may be originated from the annihilation of Dark Matter (DM). GeV or sub-GeV anti-nuclei in CR can be the `smoking gun’ signature of the presence of DM. Using data from the AMS-02 detector, on board International Space Station (ISS), we search for (anti-)deuterons and also study the production of light (anti-)nuclei via coalescence mechanism using data from NA61/SHINE experiment.
Since the `Spin Crisis’, many experiments have been trying to probe gluon spin contribution to the proton spin. Using polarized p + p data recorded at the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), we measured cross-sections and spin asymmetries and compared with perturbative QCD calculations to improve our knowledge of the gluon and sea-quark spin distribution inside nucleons.