The decays τ → (η,η’) K- ντ in the extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model


Семинар по адронной физике

5 февраля 2016 г. в 11:00, в конференц-зале им.Блохинцева ЛТФ (4-й этаж) состоится семинар «The decays τ → (η,η’) K- ντ in the extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model». Авторы: М.К.Волков и А.А.Пивоваров (ЛТФ, ОИЯИ).

Докладчик: А.А.Пивоваров


The decays τ→(η,η′)K−νττ→(η,η′)K−ντ are described in the framework of the extended Nambu—Jona-Lasinio model. Both full and differential widths of these decays are calculated. The vector and scalar channels are considered. In the vector channels, the subprocesses with intermediate K∗(892)K∗(892) and K∗′(1410)K∗′(1410) mesons play the main role. In the scalar channels, the subprocesses with intermediate K0∗(800)K0∗(800) and K0∗′(1430)K0∗′(1430) mesons are considered. Scalar channels play a less important role in calculation of the full width of the ττ-decay. The results are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data.