Research of multipath routing methods to ensure the quality of the network service


Laboratory of Information Technologies

Date and Time: Thursday, 2 June 2022, at 2:00 PM

Venue: Conference hall, Laboratory of Information Technologies, online seminar on Zoom

Seminar topic: “Research of multipath routing methods to ensure the quality of the network service”

Speaker: Evgeniy Stepanov (Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University)


The thesis research is devoted to the problem of the comparative analysis of multipath transport protocols. The report will consider the results of the study of two main classes of multipath protocols: static and dynamic. The MPTCP protocol, in which the subflow number is set at once for the entire life of the transport connection, is chosen as a representative of the static class. The FDMP protocol (proposed in the thesis), in which the subflow number depends on the current transport connection throughput and the application requirements, is considered as a representative of the dynamic class. The research results have shown that the FDMP protocol allows increasing the efficiency of using network resources in at least 95% of cases, and have enabled to determine the scope of the static and dynamic classes of multipath protocols.

(based on the PhD thesis)