Skill Improvement

JINR pays great attention to professional growth of its employees in the belief that it is not enough to turn professional only once in a lifetime. To keep up one’s professional status, constant professional development of an individual is necessary. Professional development is a process resulting in a lifelong ability to maintain one’s professional skills at a certain quality level. In addition, professional development enables favorable environment in the Institute, increases motivation of the employees, and secures continuity in the management.

Skill Improvement

JINR University Centre arranges skill improvement courses and seminars run by educational institutions of Dubna, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Obninsk. UC also organizes cross-training and provides certification of the Institute employees (manual workers) on allied trades and professions subordinate to RosTechNadzor.

Foreign language courses at UC for JINR employees

The ability to articulate one’s ideas is a sine qua non of international scientific cooperation. Every year, UC offers employees from JINR Member States to attend the following language courses: English and Russian as a foreign language, according to the referral from the Institute’s departments.


AYSS is the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The main goals and objectives of JINR AYSS include: bringing together students, young scientists and specialists of JINR for initiative, resourceful and dynamic scientific work and development of professional contacts with academic and student organizations; providing assistance to students, postgraduates, young scientists and specialists of JINR in the creation of favorable conditions for professional scientific research; promoting closer ties between the older and younger generations of scientists, thus ensuring continuity in research activities; circulating scientific and other information related to the activities of JINR and other scientific and educational centres in accordance with the procedure of distribution and publication of information established at JINR. To achieve these goals AYSS participates in and runs scientific conferences, schools, workshops and seminars; it disseminates scientific and technical, organizational, and other information that complies with the objectives of the Association; it takes part in exchange programmes; it supports school curricula; it cooperates with academic, student and other organizations.



The Univer­sity Centre of JINR

phone: +7 (49621) 6-50-89

fax: +7 (49621) 6-58-51





The Associ­ation of Young Scien­tists and Specia­lists of JINR

