
The JINR Weekly newspaper “Dubna: science, community, progress” published since November 1957.

Если цель большинства массовых популярных изданий – делать научные истины достоянием людей, далеких от науки, то Еженедельник ОИЯИ ориентируется не на читателя вообще, а на вполне определенную аудиторию: ученых, инженеров, рабочих высокого класса. В этом специфика нашего еженедельника, в этом заключается и сложность работы коллектива газеты, который ставит перед собой цель сочетать популярность изложения с исключительной научной строгостью, достоверностью, ведь всякая сенсационность нашим авторам и читателям чужда.

“Мы – за интернациональную суть науки, за содружество ученых, за прогресс во всех областях человеческой деятельности”. А. С. Гиршева, редактор газеты «Дубна» с 1984-го по 1996 год

В условиях международного научного центра трудно провести резкую грань между темой науки и темой сотрудничества ученых разных стран, которое с самых первых номеров стало еще одной ведущей темой. Практически все ведущие ученые стран-участниц, имена которых носят аллеи на площадках Института, были авторами газеты или с готовностью давали интервью ее корреспондентам. Таким образом, еженедельник “Дубна” стал международной научной трибуной, рассказывая о выдающихся результатах научных исследований и технических достижениях. При этом газета никогда не забывала о том, что ОИЯИ -уникальная школа высшей квалификации для ученых и инженеров из всех стран-участниц. Путь становления ученого стал еще одной магистральной темой газеты. Пожалуй, не будет преувеличением сказать, что на ее страницах создается в какой-то степени коллективный портрет современного ученого, достаточно достоверный и объективный. Знакомясь с рассказами о деятельности ученых, как известных, так и молодых, можно глубже понять, как делается наука, как она трудна и как нелегок “путь к ее сияющим вершинам”.

“Дубна” – такая же необходимая часть жизни ОИЯИ, как препринты, библиотека, семинары, конференции. “Дубна” – часть того, что я бы назвал институтским “информационным полем”, и без нее это “поле” будет неполным, дырявым. Из недели в неделю она ведет свою летопись будничной жизни науки в ее преломлении через судьбу ОИЯИ и работающих здесь людей и сообщает нам друг о друге, а всем вместе – о нас самих (как сказал бы М.Жванецкий). Дневник нашей с вами жизни – вот что такое “Дубна”… Профессор А.Вдовин, Лаборатория теоретической физики

Main materials (#14, 11.04.24)

Science. Education. Prospects

On 8 April, Acting Rector of Kamchatka State University named after Vitus Bering Olga REBKOVETS visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. During the meeting, issues of scientific cooperation and the implementation of new educational programmes were discussed. As part of the visit, Rector of KamSU visited the laboratories of the Institute and learnt about the key objects of the scientific infrastructure of JINR.

The triumph of mathematics

On 1-2 April, the International Scientific Conference “Mathematics in the constellation of sciences” was held at the Moscow State University, organized in honor of the anniversary of the rector of the Moscow University Academician Viktor Sadovnichy. It was organized by Moscow State University and the Russian Union of Rectors. Over 1100 Russian and foreign scientists and distinguished guests took part in the Conference.

Scientific session of the SINP MSU branch

On 2 April, the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies at JINR hosted a scientific section organized by the Moscow State University Branch in Dubna. The section is part of and titled after the International Conference “Mathematics in Constellation of Sciences” honouring the 85th anniversary of Academician Victor Sadovnichiy.

JINR Information Centre in Tunisia: the first event

The situation with the publication of translated scientific journals and the details of relations with foreign publishers have become one of the most pressing topics in the Russian scientific community recently. The topic is widely discussed in the Russian Academy of Sciences and beyond, the scientific community looks for ways to meet this issue.

About the profession of a scientist

In Moscow, at the international exhibition and forum “Russia” at VDNKh, a festival of professions was held for a month. Each day was dedicated to one of the professional areas: IT sector, working specialties, agricultural professions, healthcare, social services, hospitality industry and others.

Great scientific forum in Dubna

As already reported in our newspaper, on 1 – 5 April, a scientific session of the Nuclear Physics Section of the Department of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Physics of fundamental interactions” was held in Dubna, at which a wide programme of physical research was presented. Today, the participants of the meeting share their impressions of the great scientific forum held at JINR.

A traditional school for physics teachers was held

From March 25 to 29, 2024, a scientific school for physics teachers was held at JINR. The participants were 23 teachers from Irkutsk, Saratov and Voronezh regions. The teachers’ visit was supported by JINR information centres in Irkutsk and Tomsk.

What is the meaning of the term “Arab world”?

JINR scientists and staff go on learning about the advanced research in the field of humanities. On 29 March, the famous orientalist, Deputy Director for research of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, associate professor of the Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University Vasily Kuznetsov was invited for a lecture-discussion “The Arab world of the 2020s: search for new unities”.

Cooperation strengthens

On 4 April, a FLNP seminar was held, at which LRB Director A.N.Bugay made a report “Radiobiological research at JINR facilities”.

Create yourself and create the world around you

Recently, we have got an art object “Historical handle of the JINR Cultural Centre “Mir”.

“Klever” – the first development festival for adults

On 6 April, a networking festival about development, creativity and communication opportunities for adults “Klever” was held in Dubna. The festival was held in the city for the first time and became a successful platform for networking, finding a new hobby and agreeing on a partnership. 22 organizations and communities, more than 250 guests, a great many activities shared the results of the event in the Blokhintsev Universal Library.

An emergency room is open at the Medical Unit No. 9

With the beginning of the spring-summer period, the number of patients visiting the emergency department with minor injuries, such as cuts, bruises, animal and insect bites has increased. Since 1 April, a 24-hour emergency room has been open at the Medical Unit No.9 to provide emergency care. Help is provided to the adult population with soft tissue wounds (primary surgical treatment is performed if necessary), tick bites (with sending for research), bone fractures of various locations, dislocations and injuries of joints, sprains and ruptures of ligaments, post-traumatic hematomas, inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis and synovitis).

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