Production of Radionuclides and Evaluation of Radiopharmaceuticals for Targeted Therapy and Diagnostics


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Joint Laboratory Seminar

Date and Time: Thursday, 17 June 2021, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Online conference in Zoom

Seminar topic: “Production of Radionuclides and Evaluation of Radiopharmaceuticals for Targeted Therapy and Diagnostics”

Speaker: A. Baimukhanova


Radioactive nuclides are used in many fields of science and industry, especially they play an important role in nuclear medicine. Current therapy and diagnostics in nuclear medicine tend to use radiopharmaceuticals along with biological agents (such as peptides, antibodies, etc.) which allow visualization and selectively killing cancer cells. Promising radionuclides can be produced at accelerator facilities, reactors and radionuclide generators. The considered methods, developed at the DLNP Experimental Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry, ensure the production of radionuclides with high specific activity and high radiochemical and chemical purity. Also, the chemical form of the obtained radionuclides allows the further high-quality synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals. Both radionuclide complexes with pharmaceutical precursors and post-effects of radioactive decay were evaluated, using among others the unique method of perturbed angular correlation.

Record of the seminar by A. Baimukhanova, 17.06.21