X-ray tomography facilities: current status and prospects for development


Laboratory of Radiation Biology JINR

Leader: E. A. Krasavin

Date and Time: Tuesday, 15 June 2021, at 11:00 AM

Venue: online on Zoom, Laboratory of Radiation Biology

Seminar topic: “X-ray tomography facilities: current status and prospects for development”

Speaker: G.A. Shelkov (DLNP JINR)


It is highly likely that the 21st century will be remarkable for fascinating developments in genetics and biology. This leap was prepared by the rapid development of physics and technology in the 20th century.
From a long list of research methods and instruments for their implementation available to physicians, biologists, and geneticists, considered will be modern detectors for radiography and its natural development, X-ray tomography. A DLNP JINR team, having become a full-fledged member of the renowned international collaboration Medipix, for the first time gets access to all documentation and the right to develop its own latest energy-sensitive X-ray image detectors using Timepix4 and Medipix4 pixel chips for various applications, including the development of next-generation tomography detectors.