Precise methods of the beam dynamics analysis in a cyclotron


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Seminar of Scientific and Experimental Department of New Accelerators

Date and Time: Friday, 18 June 2021, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Conference Hall, Online on Zoom

Seminar topic: “Precise methods of the beam dynamics analysis in a cyclotron”

Speaker: Victor Smirnov


The report presents the results of numerical calculations of cyclotrons and describes the corresponding methods applied. The steps of development and construction of ultra-compact medical cyclotrons with the world’s highest magnetic field level are outlined from the design stage to the beam test and following upgrade which lead to the beam quality and intensity optimization. Experimental validation of the simulation data is also shown. The comprehensive analysis of the beam dynamics in operating cyclotrons based on the developed advanced methods, algorithms, and codes, allows improving various cyclotron systems and thus increasing the cyclotron efficiency. The above results are described in the doctoral dissertation.