Structure of Nucleons and the NN Interaction in Nonperturbative QCD as the Urgent Task of Physics of the XXI Century


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Joint Laboratory Seminar

Date and Time: Wednesday, 14 July 2021, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Online conference on Zoom

Seminar topic: “Structure of Nucleons and the NN Interaction in Nonperturbative QCD as the Urgent Task of Physics of the XXI Century”

Speaker: Vladimir Komarov


The problem of the structure of nucleons and their interaction in the concept of nonperturbative QCD is discussed as an approach to the study of transformation of current quarks into constituent ones and to the search for the mechanism of such transformation creating the bulk of the nucleon mass. Attention is drawn to the possibilities offered by the study of central nucleon-nucleon collisions in this aspect.

Record of the seminar by V. I. Komarov, 14.07.21