The MEG II Experiment: Status and Prospects


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Joint Laboratory Seminar

Date and Time: Thursday, 16 December 2021, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Online conference on Zoom

Seminar topic: “The MEG II Experiment: Status and Prospects”

Speaker: Alexander Kolesnikov


The MEG II experiment with muon beams is dedicated to explore the → e+ decay at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) near Zürich, Switzerland. To detect such a rare process, we need high intensity of muon beams and also a good energetic, spatial and time resolution for positrons and gamma quanta.

The xenon photon detector and positron spectrometer consisting of a superconducting magnet, a cylindrical drift chamber, and two sets of pixelated timing counters are the main detector elements.

At the seminar, positron detector operation in a real session, the first data received and detector upgrade will be considered.

Record of the seminar by A. O. Kolesnikov, 16.12.21