All about showering at the LHC!


On Wednesday 23 March 2016, at 11.00 am in the DLNP Conference Hall a seminar “All about showering at the LHC!” will be held.

Speaker: Dr. Deepak Kar (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)


Improving the parton shower model in Monte Carlo generators is important for precision measurements as well as for searches at the LHC. ATLAS and CMS performed many interesting measurements sensitive to non-perturbative QCD effects in Run 1 and Run 2 and compared the results with existing MC models and tunes, and clear discrepancies and new features have been observed in many cases. All these data are being used in improving the modelling. Also, many jet substructure techniques depend on modelling the shower accurately, and I will briefly discuss one such technique, called shower deconstruction, and the promising results it yields.