Applied studies at proton beams of DLNP JINR Phasotron


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Scientific and Technical Seminar “Medical Physics and Radiobiology”

Date and Time: Thursday, 2 March 2023, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Conference Hall, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems; online on Zoom

Applied studies at proton beams of the DLNP Phasotron

At the seminar, the main directions of applied studies conducted by different research institutions at proton beams of the DLNP JINR Phasotron over the last years will be overviewed.

In the programme:

  1. M. S. Novikov (VBLHEP JINR)
    “Irradiation of high-temperature superconducting wires (HTS tapes of the 2nd generation) at the Phasotron’s beam to increase critical currents of tapes in magnetic fields and increase the operating temperatures of magnets”
  2. O. V. Belov (VBLHEP JINR)
    “High-energy proton beams for space research”
  3. G. V. Mitsyn (DLNP JINR)
    “Formation of a high-intensity proton beam of the Phasotron for the study of the flash effect in radiotherapy”
  4. A. V. Rzyanina (DLNP JINR)
    “Survival of A549 cells under Phasotron proton beam irradiation in flash and standard mode”
  5. N. V. Dunin (FIAN, Moscow)
    “The study of secondary hard electromagnetic radiation arising from the passage of high-energy protons through biological objects”
  6. M. L. Litvak (IKI RAS, Moscow)
    “Promising cosmic gamma-ray spectrometer based on the method of labeled protons”
  7. D. V. Golovin (IKI RAS, Moscow)
    “Gamma radiation of rare earth elements under the influence of a proton flux simulating galactic cosmic rays”
  8. A. E. Shemyakov, A. R. Dyukina (ITEB RAS, Pushchino)
    “Study of the effect of high-energy proton irradiation of the Phasotron Accelerator in high-power mode on mice in vivo”
  9. A. V. Latanov (MSU, Moscow)
    “Study of the effects of ionizing radiation on the behaviour of animals (monkeys, rodents)”
  10. V. I. Stegailov (DLNP JINR)
    “The structure of excited states of nuclei for the transition region of deformations С N N = (89-91) in nuclei 156No, 158No, 160No. Isomerism. F-forbidden transitions”

At the end of the seminar, a round table will be held on current issues of the programme of work at the JINR Phasotron.

Record of the seminar “Applied studies at proton beams of the DLNP Phasotron”, 02.03.23