Isotope 7He and its environs


Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions

Date and Time: Friday, 18 May 2023, at 3:30 PM

Venue: FLNR Conference Hall, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions

Seminar topic: “Isotope 7He and its environs”

Speakers: Mikhail Golovkov


The first results of (d,p) reaction experiment to study nuclei structure in the vicinity of nucleon stability boundary (7Не, 10Li) using ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator radioactive beam in inverse kinematics are presented. The issues of getting reliable information about the structure of resonances in the area of continuous spectrum from the analysis of experimental data of various reactions are discussed. The perspective programme of studying exotic nuclei using ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator radioactive beams is proposed.

(in connection with the election for the position of a leading researcher)