Physical aspects of black holes through well-known approaches


Seminar “Theory of Hadronic Matter under Extreme Conditions”

Date and Time: Wednesday, 31 May 2023, at 4:00 PM

Venue: online seminar on Zoom , Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

Seminar topic: “Physical aspects of black holes through well-known approaches”

Speaker: Shahid Chaudhary (Sharif College of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan)


Black holes have long fascinated scientists and the general public alike, with their mysterious nature and profound impact on our understanding of the universe. In recent years, advancements in observational techniques and theoretical models have allowed us to explore three intriguing aspects of black holes: their shadow images, stability and phase transition, and the process of Hawking evaporation. The first part of this presentation focuses on black hole shadow images, which have emerged as a powerful tool for studying these enigmatic cosmic objects. Through a combination of gravitational lensing and the accretion of matter, black holes cast a shadow against the backdrop of surrounding light. These shadow images provide valuable insights into the geometry and properties of black holes. The presentation also explores the intriguing concept of phase transitions in black holes. Analogous to phase transitions in ordinary matter, black holes are believed to undergo transitions between different states based on their mass, temperature, and other thermodynamic quantities. The second part of the presentation delves into Hawking evaporation, a groundbreaking concept proposed by physicist Stephen Hawking. According to quantum field theory, black holes are not completely black but emit a faint radiation known as Hawking radiation. This radiation arises from the quantum effects near the event horizon, resulting in a slow loss of mass and energy over time. The process of Hawking evaporation has profound implications for the fate and thermodynamics of black holes, leading to discussions on information loss paradox and the possible existence of remnants or remnants-free scenarios.