On the influence of shifting the operating frequency on the efficiency of the accelerating structure LUE-200 facility


Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

Nuclear Physics Department

Leader – Valery Shvetsov

Date and Time: Wednesday, 25 October 2023, at 11:00 AM

Venue: FLNP Conference Hall (3rd floor), Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

Seminar topic: “On the influence of shifting the operating frequency on the efficiency of the accelerating structure LUE-200 facility”

Speaker: Kirill Mikhailov

Authors: A. E. Levichev1, M. V. Arsentyeva1, S. L. Samoilov1, I. S. Jironkin2, K. I. Mikhailov2, A. P. Sumbaev2, V. V. Kobets2

1 – Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of SB RAS (Novosibirsk)
2 – JINR, Dubna


The analytical estimates result of changes in the efficiency of the accelerating structure and the accelerating system as a whole with a shift in the operating frequency of the microwave system of a linear electron accelerator with a travelling wave of 10 cm range are presented. In order to verify the obtained estimates, measurements of the energy characteristics of the electron beam were carried out when changing the frequency of the master oscillator at the microwave power source and selecting the natural frequencies of the microwave power compression system resonators of the LUE-200 accelerator at the IREN JINR facility.

On the left: reduction of energy relative to the maximum value when changing master generator frequency and initial phase. On the right: energy spectra of the LUE-200 beam before (dashed line) and after (solid line) optimization of the master generator frequency