Tutorial: «From Solitons and Solid-like states to Bosonic Josephson junctions – quantum dynamics with MCTDHB-Lab»


On Tuesday 13 September 2016 at 2.00 pm in room 407 of LIT a Tutorial “From Solitons and Solid-like states to Bosonic Josephson junctions – quantum dynamics with MCTDHB-Lab” will be held. The Tutorial was organized jointly by the JINR HybriLIT group and the Many-body theory of bosons group (Center for Quantum Dynamics).

Tutors: PD Dr. Alexej I. Streltsov (Universität Heidelberg) and Dr. Oksana I. Streltsova (LIT JINR)


MCTDHB-Lab package – is a free cross-platform (Unix/Mac/Windows) solver of the many-boson Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation. In this tutorial we, first of all, learn how to install and operate with the MCTDHB-Lab. Secondly, we use it to solve the time-dependent and independent Schrödinger equation for several typical static and dynamical scenarios of ultra-cold atomic clouds trapped in external electro-magnetic traps. Finally, we visualize and analyze the obtained results in terms of figures and movies.


In case of questions contact strel@jinr.ru