Light Cone 2016 conference and a fresh look at exactly solvable relativistic models



Date and Time: Wednesday, 8 February 2017, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Blokhintsev Hall (4th floor), Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

Seminar topic: «Light Cone 2016 conference and a fresh look at exactly solvable relativistic models»

Speaker: Lubomir Martinovic


We first give a brief overview of the highlights of the Light Cone 2016 conference in Lisbon with a few remarks concerning the history of this series of conferences. In the second part of the seminar, the new results in the area of exactly solvable models in both the conventional (“space-like”) and the light-front (LF) form of field theory will be presented along with a comparison between the two schemes. The models include the gradient-coupling, the Thirring and Thirring-Wess models. A generalization of the Klaiber’s operator solution of the Thirring model will be described focusing on the diagonalization of its Hamiltonian and the derivation of the physical ground state. The solution of the long-standing problem of the LF field theory, namely how to correctly quantize two-dimensional massless LF fields, will be given next. Consequently, the genuine LF operator solutions of the above class of models are obtained. We conclude with a few remarks with regard to the operator solution of the Schwinger model in the both forms of the relativistic dynamics.