JOIN². A scientists toolbox


Date and Time: Tuesday, 18 January 2018, at 3:00 PM

Venue: room 310, Laboratory of Information Technologies

Seminar topic: «JOIN². A scientists toolbox»

Speaker: Alexander Wagner (DESY, Hamburg)


The talk gives an outline of the JOIN² project for our new partners at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, the Russian Federation. Starting out with the motivation of the project an overview of the project partners and their current status is given before diving into the basic features of JOIN² repositories, centred around a web submission based document workflow. The difficult use case of author disambiguation is used to show the ideas of authority control present at various points within the system. In part III some newer extended features are presented. These include the handling of publication charges, a short outline of the new DESY publication workflow for proceedings and Invenios usage as an integrated library system at DESY. Finally a short outlook on the current hot topic of “data publication” is given.