Finite size effects for QCD effective potential


Seminar “Theory of Hadronic Matter under Extreme Conditions”

Date and Time: Wednesday, 31 July 2019, at 4:00 PM

Venue: Blokhintsev Hall (4th floor), Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

Seminar topic: “Finite size effects for QCD effective potential”

Authors: Vladimir Voronin, Sergei Nedelko

Speaker: Vladimir Voronin


Finite size effects for QCD effective potential of Abelian (anti-)self-dual gluon field are studied. The effective potential is calculated within the framework of zeta function regularization for spherical four-dimensional domain of radius R in Euclidean four-dimensional space-time. It is shown that gluon and quark quasi-zero modes play important role in the dependence of the effective potential both on the background field strength and the domain size. The infinite-size strong-field limit of the effective potential, that is determined by the asymptotic freedom, requires treatment of the quasi-zero modes beyond one-loop approximation. It is shown that under certain conditions global minimum of the effective potential exists at finite nonzero values of both background field strength and domain size R. Existence of such a minimum would strongly support the mean field description of QCD vacuum in terms of statistical ensemble of almost everywhere homogeneous (anti-)self-dual Abelian gluon fields. As has been shown earlier, such a description of QCD vacuum demonstrates highly promising features for studying confinement, chiral symmetry realization and hadronization in QCD.