Event prediction using parallel data


Date and Time: Wednesday, 11 December 2019, at 3:00 PM

Venue: room 310, Laboratory of Information Technologies

Seminar topic: «Event prediction using parallel data»

Speaker: Merab Pkhovelishvili (Chief Researcher of Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics, Georgian Technical University)


A new approach to solve some complicated problems using supercomputers is presented. It is based on the notation of parallel data and the means of defining new relationships between them, which is called parallelism between data. Parallel data are different data related to one event existing at different times (time parallel) and/or in an additional feature parallel. In practice, parallel data can be used for the prediction of earthquakes or any other hazards, economics (business, macroeconomics), political events (elections, distribution of political forces), as well as for effective solutions of some prediction problems in medicine or other fields.