Veto System of the Mu2e Experiment


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Date and Time: Wednesday, 17 June 2020, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Online conference in Zoom

Seminar topic: “Veto System of the Mu2e Experiment”

Speaker: A. V. Simonenko


In the Standard Model, the probability of the processes with the charged lepton flavour violation is extremely low (∼10−50). However, there are some models of New Physics, in which the probabilities of these processes increase significantly and become available for observation. The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for the muon-to-electron conversion in the nuclear field μ + N → e + N. The high-intensity muon beams and original solutions for suppressing the background in the experiment made it possible to predict high sensitivity to a single event observation of the μ−e conversion at the level of ∼3⋅10−17. This significantly increases the probability of discovering phenomena beyond the Standard Model.

In this experiment, the main background will be a background from cosmic muons, which imitate a required conversion electron. The muon veto system parameters, initially designed for the Mu2e experiment, have been appreciably changed in the current preparation stage. The report examines the studies of counter ageing and various scenarios of maintaining maximum efficiency of the veto system throughout the entire experiment. (In connection with the election for the position of a senior researcher.)

Record of the seminar by A. V. Simonenko, 17.06.20