Integration of geographically distributed heterogeneous resources based on the DIRAC Interware


Laboratory of Information Technologies

Date and Time: Wednesday, 29 July 2020, at 3:00 PM

Venue: Laboratory of Information Technologies, Online conference in Cisco Webex

Seminar topic: «Integration of geographically distributed heterogeneous resources based on the DIRAC Interware»

Speaker: Igor Pelevanyuk


The DIRAC Interware platform enables the integration of distributed heterogeneous computing resources and storage systems into a unified system. Since 2009, it has been developed as a versatile open-source tool. DIRAC comprises a set of services related to load and data management, a web interface, resource consumption accounting, authorization and authentication, workflow management and some others. Four interfaces, namely, a web interface, a command line interface, a Python programming interface and a REST interface, are provided to users.

At present, the DIRAC-based unified environment, which includes both computing resources and data storage systems, is used to generate and reconstruct events of the MPD experiment, to study the SARS-CoV-2 virus within the Folding@Home project on available cloud resources and to integrate clouds of the JINR Member States’ organizations into a distributed platform. The talk will cover the major aspects of using DIRAC to start jobs and interact with data.