Design of Technical Equipment and a Dynamic Irradiation Technique for Proton Radiotherapy


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Scientific and Technical Seminar “Medical Physics and Radiobiology”

Date and Time: Wednesday, 7 October 2020, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Online conference in Zoom

Seminar topic: “Design of Technical Equipment and a Dynamic Irradiation Technique for Proton Radiotherapy”

Speaker: A. V. Agapov


A new system for dynamic irradiation of deep-seated targets with irregular shapes has been developed at the DLNP Medical-Technical Complex (JINR). The technique is applied using a multileaf collimator and an automated range shifter. These devices were especially constructed according to the specific beam delivery system geometry used in the Complex. Preliminary results of the first dosimetry measurements showed the better conformity of shaped irradiation fields compared with the standard passive 3D conformal proton radiotherapy.

(Based on the candidate dissertation for a degree in technical sciences)

Record of the seminar by A. V. Agapov,