Planar tunneling-based graphene electronics


Seminar “Theory of Condensed Matter”

Date and Time: Tuesday, 13 October 2020, at 4:00 PM

Venue: Online conference in Zoom, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

Seminar topic: «Planar tunneling-based graphene electronics»

Authors: V. L. Katkov and V. A. Osipov

Speaker: V. L. Katkov


At the moment, graphene is the most promising material for creating a new generation of electronics. The cycle of articles is devoted to the theoretical study of the features of electron transport in graphene and modified graphene in order to analyze the possibility of creating and working of the electronic devices. The report reviews a number of the main results of the authors: the concept of a planar tunneling field-effect transistor based on graphene, the study of the stability of its functioning in the presence of vacancies, the analysis of the efficiency of the conceptually similar gapped device for DNA sequencing. An important place is given to the analysis of tunneling transport in fluorinated graphene, which is also a promising material as a component of graphene electronics. Here we explain the experimentally observed features of conductivity, which determine the possibility of using this material in electronic devices with a planar configuration.

(The seminar is held in connection with the nomination for the JINR Prize)