Monte Carlo Simulation of a Lithium Glass Scintillation Detector


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Date and Time: Wednesday, 16 December 2020, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Online conference in Zoom

Seminar topic: “Monte Carlo Simulation of a Lithium Glass Scintillation Detector”

Speaker: Ilya Zimin


The Monte Carlo simulation of a thermal neutron scintillation detector based on NE 912 lithium glass was created and verified. The simulation was validated by comparing its result to experimental data from a prototype detector exposed to thermal neutron and gamma-quantum beams. The scintillator properties were determined: light yield for a captured thermal neutron, the quenching factor, and decay times. The accuracy of reproducing the shape of the pulses registered in the experiment will be helpful to analyze experimental data and to evaluate the performance of n/γ-discrimination techniques. Based on the performed simulations, it is possible to develop models of a low γ-sensitivity detector with a heterogeneous composite scintillator of different geometries.

Record of the seminar by I. Zimin, 16.12.20