Exhibition at S&T Library to 110th birth anniversary of V. P. Dzhelepov


On 10 – 21 April, the JINR Science and Technology Library is holding the exhibition of books devoted to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the great scientist who stood at the origins of our Institute, one of the founders of the world’s first synchrocyclotron, Director of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems from 1956 to 1989, RAS Corresponding Member Venedikt Dzhelepov.

Venedikt Dzhelepov was among the founders of a new area of nuclear physics in the USSR – high energy particle physics. He conducted fundamental research in mu-catalysis physics. At his suggestion and under his leadership, for the first time in the USSR, the research was initiated that soon led to the use of beams of charged particles for oncological diseases therapy.

The exhibition features anniversary collections, journal articles, articles from conference proceedings, and preprints. The pages of the presented publications reflect all the variety of Venedikt Petrovich’s scientific interests, you will see interesting photographs and a full bibliography of his works.