JINR Cinema Club


All interested are kindly invited to the JINR Scientists’ Club for a regular meeting of the Cinema Club.

Date and time: 23 July 2022, at 6:00 PM

Venue: JINR Scientists’ Club

“In the Mood for Love” (2000)

Directed by: Wong Kar-wai
Genre: romantic drama
Countries: Hong Kong, France
Duration: 01:38

“In the Mood for Love” (2000): Hong Kong, 1962. Su and Chow are flatmates, they are renting different rooms. Their spouses are away all the time. One day, Chow recognises Su’s handbag given to her by her husband and his wife has the same one. Su recognises Chow’s tie, given to him by his wife, and her husband has the same one. Both realise that their spouses are cheating on them with each other.

The film will be shown in the original with Russian subtitles. Free admission.