“New Binding”: in honour of Blokhinka library renovation completion


On 12 November 2022 JINR Universal Public Library invites all interested people to celebrate the completion of the library facades renovation. As part of the programme of the event “New Binding”, an exhibition “Book Binding” has been organized, where you can see antique books in bindings and without them from the library’s collection of old books.

Architectural and historical walk
Date and Time: 12 November 2022, at 5:00 PM

Venue: JINR Universal Public Library, 13/7 Blokhintsev str.

An architectural and historical walk through the library with its Director. By appointment on VK: https://vk.com/lib.jinr.

Lecture “Modernism. Library”
Date and Time: 12 November 2022, at 6:00 PM

Venue: JINR Universal Public Library, 13/7 Blokhintsev str.

The lecture “Modernism. Library” will be given by Alexander Leonov, the founder of the Alexander Leonov Bureau, a co-founder and chief architect of the POLYGON bureau, graduate of MArchI and the WEID Studio, laureate of international and Russian professional competitions, teacher of the MARCH School of Architecture. He will talk about what modernist architecture is and what signs of it can be found in Blokhinka.