New Year’s Eve of the JINR AYSS


We are pleased to invite you to the festive New Year’s Eve of the JINR Association of Young Scientists and Specialists.

With the support of the Directorate of the Institute, we will organize a bright banquet at the “Solyanka” bar.

We are waiting for you on 19 December 2018 at 7 PM. Address: Dubna, Moscow Region, Bogolyubov str., 21.

Due to the limited number of complimentary tickets, we have given up the quotas of the Divisions and this year will work on the principle of the FIFO general line (the first one who paid receives a ticket). The voluntary contribution for the first 100 invitations is 800 rubles, for the subsequent 20 – 1000 rubles.

Regarding the perception of tickets you may address to: