Night of Museums 2023


On 20 May, at 1:30 PM, the Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR invites everyone interested to the “Night of Museums”.

Programme includes:

  • 1:30 PM – Excursion “Architecture of the institute’s part of Dubna: the connection of times”;
  • 3:00 – 6:00 PM – Exhibition “Connection: 7 perspectives of communication” (joint project of the “Future time” foundation, JINR Universal Public Library, JINR Museum, and Dubna teenagers);
  • 3:30 – 5:00 PM – Orienteering quest “In touch with the city” (with “Druzhba” centre);
  • 4:30, 7:30 PM – Excursions in the museum “Scientific Dubna: connection of events”;
  • 6:00 PM – Experiments “Nikola Tesla and his dreams of wireless communication”;
  • 7:00 PM – Intellectual game “Connection. Not by Internet alone”;
  • 9:00 PM – Intellectual game “Find the connection in 1 minute”.