A visit of a delegation from Vietnam
News, 14 October 2014
A delegation from the Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology headed by Vice-President of the Academy Professor Duong Ngoc Hai visited JINR on 9-10 October 2014. The guests were acquainted with the JINR basic facilities and with research which is carried out in JINR laboratories, and discussed with the JINR Directorate prospects for expanding of the cooperation. Neutron research, particle physics and information technology are the three areas in which this cooperation has been traditionally developed. Professor Duong Ngoc Hai shared his impressions:
– After this visit, of course, cooperation of our Academy with JINR will expand. Our cooperation has been going on for many years, more than half a century, but in recent years due to various reasons it is developing not as fast as we would like. This time, in addition to the meeting with JINR Director we visited five laboratories: first of all – the DLNP, we also visited the LRB, LIT, FLNR and VBLHEP. I personally really appreciate the quality and level of research conducted in these laboratories. We can say that it s a world level. The NICA project is especially interesting; it’s important for understanding of the world of elementary particles and the structure of our universe.
In addition, I want to note that we are planning to build APP in Vietnam, so we need to develop applied and fundamental research in the fields of nuclear physics. The JINR Directorate has a good intention to provide for Vietnamese specialists a possibility of operation at the channel number 5 of the IBR-2 reactor for basic and applied research.
– Do you plan to increase the representation of Vietnam in JINR?
– Of course, recently the number of Vietnamese specialists at JINR declined slightly. We want about 100 specialists to come to JINR every year. Last year, there were only about 20 of them and it is not enough. We want to increase the number as well as the quality of training of our specialists, especially young people.
– Did you visit the JINR University Center?
– We learned about the UC and we want to use its potentialities to improve skills of our specialists for their further preparation and defense of candidate and doctoral thesis.
Olga Tarantina, JINR weekly newspaper "Dubna: science, community, progress"