At the meeting of the PAC for Nuclear Physics

Organization, 10 February 2014

The 39th meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics was held on 30-31 January 2014 in the International Conference Hall. JINR Vice-Director M.G. Itkis presented information about resolution of the 114th session of the JINR Scientific Council and the decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries at the PAC session which concluded the triad of winter PACs. The Chairman of the PAC W. Greiner presented information about implementation of the recommendations of the previous meeting of the PAC for Nuclear Physics. V.N.Shvetsov informed the PAC about progress of the development of the IREN facility. G.G. Gulbekyan presented a report on the theme "Accelerator Complex of Ion Beams of Stable and Radioactive Nuclides (DRIBs-III)" and proposals for its extension. The first experimental tests of the modernized VASSILISSA kinematic separator were the topic of a report of A.V. Yeremin. New projects were discussed at the meeting: “Development of the tagged neutron method for elemental analysis and nuclear reaction studies (project TANGRA) – Yu.N. Kopatch”; “Еxperimental search for coherent neutrinoless μ-e conversion at J-PARC (project COMET, JINR’s participation) – Z. Tsamalaidze”. Participants of the meeting listened to scientific reports: "Investigation of charged particle emission reactions induced by fast neutrons" – Yu.M. Gledenov, "Fusion at near- and sub-barrier energies with quantum diffusion approach" – G.G. Adamian. FLNR young scientists delivered poster presentations on research in the field of heavy-ion physics.