The first meeting of the newly elected members of the JINR STC

News, 16 April 2013

A meeting of the JINR Scientific and Technical council was held on 15 April 2013 in the International Conference Hall. This was the first meeting of the newly elected members and, as JINR Director V.A. Matveev says, it has been formed “using the principle of the maximum possible electivity”. More than a half of members of the JINR STC were elected at scientific and technical councils in JINR laboratories. Now the Council  includes the JINR Directorate and JINR Scientific Leader, directors, honorary directors and scientific leaders of laboratories, Director of the JINR University Center and chairman of the JINR Association of Young Scientists and Specialists. By the decision of JINR Director Chairman of the previous STC I.N. Meshkov and member of the Presidential Council for Science and Education G.V. Trubnikov were included in the new STC membership. The JINR STC amounted to forty-seven persons in total.

BLTP Chief Scientific Researcher R.V. Jolos was unanimously elected as Chairman of the JINR STC and BLTP Leading Scientific Researcher E.A. Kolganova was unanimously elected as Scientific Secretary by the extended meeting of the JINR Directorate.

"Opening the first session of the newly elected members of JINR STC, – noted V.A. Matveev – I really want to believe that we are opening, perhaps, a new chapter in the life of the Institute. This form expresses hope that we can really encourage the scientific staff in the face of the JINR STC members for a substantive discussion of measures which will make management of the Institute more effective and ready to solve difficult tasks for implementation of the Seven-Year Plan with the participation of the JINR Directorate, directors of laboratories, leaders of the major directions".

JINR STC Chairman R.V. Jolos opened a discussion of major directions of the JINR STC activities with his presentation. JINR Vice-Director R. Lednický presented recommendations of a group on issues of the JINR personnel policy. JINR UC Director S.Z. Pakulyak spoke about preparation of the JINR post-graduate center for the State accreditation. R.V. Jolos informed the JINR STC about issues of the JINR personnel policy and a panel on analysis of the state of the Resort Hotel «Dubna», changes of the JINR management structure. JINR STC Scientific Secretary E.A. Kolganova presented a draft plan of JINR STC activities in the nearest future.

Galina Myalkovskaya (JINR weekly newspaper "Dubna: science, community, progress")