A visit of a delegation from Hanoi
Archive, 28 June 2010
On 25 June 2010 a delegation from the Institute of Physics, Hanoi (Vietnam) came to JINR to become acquainted and develop opportunities of scientific cooperation. The guests visited the facility Microtron-25 and the isochronous cyclotron IC-100 in the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions; they were welcomed by the director of the Laboratory S.N.Dmitriev and discussed questions of modernization of their own microtron MT-17, in particular a startup of a new high frequency system that has been recently bought in Saint-Petersburg by the Hanoi Institute. The startup was held with help of JINR scientists. The members of the delegation showed great interest to the high frequency system of the Microtron.
Later the delegation was welcomed at the JINR Directorate by JINR vice-director R.Lednický. Chief scientific secretary N.A.Russakovich, head of the International Cooperation Department D.V.Kamanin and head of the national Vietnamese group Nguen Man Shat also took part in the meeting. The delegation was interested in the ecological research of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics. The Vietnamese scientists are going to visit it during their next arrival in Dubna this November. They have already seen Moscow State University and the P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and are planning to learn about fundamental and applied physics development in Saint-Petersburg.
In addition to fundamental research, the members of the delegation saw the development of nanotechnologies and other innovative research on the territory of Dubna during their visit to the special economic zone. Director of the Institute of Physics Nguen Dai Hung invited a delegation of the Joint Institute to come to Hanoi this autumn to participate in the conference dedicated to the millennium anniversary of Hanoi.